Similar words: relation, correlation, relationship, revelation, relative, relatively, in addition to, inflation.
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61 However, Nuttall has shown that this creates considerable problems for the interpretation of results in relation to, for example, class size.
62 A separate venue must be available, however, if confidential information is to be considered in relation to nursing care.
63 Firstly, in relation to communication skills part it addresses the development of students' skills in self awareness and reflective learning.
64 He made a complaint that the record of his interview in relation to that offence contained fabricated admissions.
65 His evidence, he says, is in relation to an alleged abuse of the internal promotion system.
65 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
66 I could visualise the map, and the position of the village in relation to the coast where I had come ashore.
67 Its effect was particularly damaging in relation to the recurrent tragedies of death in childhood, which are examined in the next chapter.
68 However, such questions must be asked if we hope to develop a more adequate policy in relation to doping in sport.
69 They had a special role in relation to stock-rearing and stock health and as the confidante and sounding board for the farmers' problems.
70 Contracting arrangements Editor, - B Olsburgh raises the question of rational distribution of health care resources in relation to coronary artery bypass grafting.
71 They had no powers in relation to criminal actions against the police and no powers of investigation.
72 Paragraph 8 of the council's statement of claim makes a similar assertion in relation to the article of 24 September.
73 Other chemical sediments are also characterized by their chemical composition in relation to origin.
74 This case raised a number of important issues including the nature of the duty of a civil servant in relation to Parliament.
75 Such were Victor Frankenstein's perfectionist obsessions in relation to human anatomy, when he began his investigations into the nature of life.
76 This is an important issue in relation to avant-garde culture.
77 Table 3.1 gives a picture of the situation today in relation to social class and school attendance.
78 Nor can they be found to be in contempt of court in relation to words spoken in the course of proceedings in Parliament.
79 As a woman who had chosen not to marry, Leapor looked for constancy primarily in relation to friendship.
80 Even though the real wages and living standards of the proletariat may rise, its members will become poorer in relation to the bourgeoisie.
81 Face-to-face interviews take time and cost much more in relation to the number of respondents interviewed.
82 These changes, which were limited to the big club sides, will be examined later in relation to media interest in sport.
83 These powers of a regional planning authority in relation to development control are essentially rights of intervention to give effect to regional planning policies.
84 The Bolsheviks, on the insistent urging of Lenin, moved with caution in relation to nationalisation during this period.
85 Our independent non-executive directors have a particularly valuable role especially in relation to audit and remuneration matters.
86 The time has come to start using these concepts and arguments in relation to present-day urban sociology.
87 The role and importance of attitudes to energy conservation are investigated in relation to comfort requirements.
88 If the farm has hill-grazing rights, these may assume an overriding importance in relation to other factors.
89 Thus, transhipment prohibitions in relation to multi-modal or inter-modal means of conveyance amount to impossible conditions.
90 Section 4 considers the auditor's role in relation to an investment business's compliance with the rules governing its conduct.
More similar words: relation, correlation, relationship, revelation, relative, relatively, in addition to, inflation, violation, isolation, population, regulation, in proportion to, pay attention to, translation, legislation, calculation, speculation, installation, confrontation, relate, related, nation, contribution, national, location, operation, education, zonation, formation.